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Right now, every time you’ve got something new to share, you have to go to every single one of your channels to change the link in each of your bios. It’s time-consuming and complicated – making it so much harder to keep everything up to date.

A link in bio tool means you never have to compromise, or remove one link from your bio so you can add another. You can keep everything you want to share online in one link. When you’ve got a change, you only ever have to make it once.

Sharing your LinkList on every social platform you have makes it easy for your most important content to be seen and engaged with by all of your followers. You can even use QR codes to generate online traffic in offline places, and drive people to your links.

Once visitors arrive on your LinkList, easy-to-understand analytics help you quickly and easily discover what they’re clicking on. You can immediately see what’s working and what’s not and improve your LinkList on the fly with different link placement, prioritized links and more to make sure your traffic is landing exactly where you want it!

As many as you want. But if your priority is click-throughs and conversion, we recommend having 3-7 links on your LinkList at once. Including too many options for your visitors slows down their course of action.

No, you don’t! LinkList can act as your very own mini-website to share without any of the time and effort it takes to build and maintain a regular website. You can create a design that fully reflects your personality and brand in seconds, with no knowledge, skills or experience needed. If you already have a website, that’s great: you can add it to your LinkList.

Its very easy!


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